Meet the Artist: Beth Orr

Friday August 30: 11:00am - 5:00pm

Come by our gallery on Depot St. this Monday to meet the artist, Beth Orr, during gallery hours, for this new beautiful photo series. This series offers a completely new way to experience photography that will tap your intuition in unexpected ways! …

Three seasons in 2023-2024 at Lake Santeetlah, NC


In each, I woke up at dawn to take out a kayak.  The stillness on the water at dawn is alluring.  I go where the water pulls me.  I’m usually in a rhythmic paddle, absorbed by the sound of the lapping water against the hull.  I listen for the subtleties.  I implicitly trust the direction.  I have no desired outcome.  I allow the current to draw me to the right space. …” ~ Beth Orr