Beth Orr

Beth Orr is an Authenticity & Intuition Guide, Coach, and Photographer living in Asheville, NC.  Her decades of experience in clinical work have given her a deep appreciation for mindfulness, meditation, and intuitive wisdom.  “When I follow my intuition into nature, I’m guided to an outer experience that gives a pictorial representation of my (unique) inner state in that moment.”  Her photographic style springs from the way in which she uniquely perceives the scenes that unfold around her. Where many may recognize the beauty of a moment, Beth’s gift allows her to capture the fleeting essence of that moment in a way that leaves the meaning-making up to the viewer. The translation of the experience is then a completely personal process.  “Awe is a spiritual experience that often happens in nature and offers an entry point into your inner truth. You are given a mirror in which to witness yourself and your own inner beauty. Just like the mountain finally seeing its own reflection in the water, you get to realize how vast and infinite you, too, are. You recognize, under the right circumstances, your own beauty. I want people to see that in themselves and feel that in themselves,” she says. “What we are experiencing here,” she emphasizes, as she places her hands over her heart, “is what we are experiencing outside of us. It HAS to match.” 

Surrounding ourselves with scenes that evoke positive emotions gives us touchpoints to feel more of the goodness inside.  Her photos are an opportunity for us to remember to trust ourselves and our innate wisdom so that we can receive the ever-present awe in the world